Wednesday, November 18, 2009

wined and canned XD

Now have you ever wondered why a can looks well like a can? Well I did I thought it would be easier if they were a shape that wasn’t capable of rolling off your countertop. So too find out why cans are round and not blockish I went to the old reliable Google. I found a lot of things. First the can was originally invented by the French during the Napoleonic era. The short man needed a way too feed his armies so he had wine makers try to find a way too store food in a way so that the troops can carry them. So being wine makers their first cans were just modified wine bottles however they tended to break in the men’s pack so the wine makers looked to a different material. This lead to the use of tin and thus the can was born. The can remained round because of the bottles it was born of and its just stuck. Then again the round can is kind of useful I guess it does make it easier to roll down the filling line. So for now I’ll just make sure I don’t leave the can on its side next time

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