Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Modern day options

So I’m just making a sword design series I guess. After righting all these sword blogs I wondered if there was any viable sword that exists in the modern day. Personally I think that using a fantasy sword would be cool but kind of useless since it’s so heavy; however I found out that there are still viable sword options. The first one is the wakizashi also known as a ninja sword or thief’s sword the straight bladed wakizashi is a light and easily handled Japanese designed blade. Before everyone goes starts wining that the wakizashi is the sword of choice and not the katana you have to think of this the katana is a fine weapon for open combat but the only time you will use a large curved slashing sword today is in a pretend fight. Most likely if you need to defend yourself you’ll be in close quarters and thus a fast straight blade is superior. Another option for the modern day sword user is the European hunting sword, this blade is a small straight blade and is the European option because the claymore and Zweihaender are just too big to use in close quarters. Other options include the cutlass, falchion, and most Chinese straight blades.

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