Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don't jam that keyboard

This is just an annoyance sometimes no not the blogging the keyboard I have to type it on. Even though I’ve gotten used to the design of it I still don’t think it makes much since. Why aren’t the keys in order I ask. Then it hits me Google duh so I did. I found out this the keyboard is just a reincarnation of the typewriter keyboard. So I now I have to ask why in the world would someone set the type writer keyboard up the way they did and there is actually an interesting answer to that one. The typewriter key setup that we see today on our keyboards is actually called the Qwerty Design. Why it was used has many theories but the most widely accepted is that it was set up too actually slow down the person typing. Now you ask what why would you want too slow them down. Simple really they needed to slow down the one typing so they didn’t jam the type writer. So you have antiquated type writers too thank for your horrible keyboard design.

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