Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Low wing or High wing

This one is about one of my favorite things Airplanes. Specifically the difference between a low winged and high wing design personally I have no clue what difference it makes but I figured if there were two designs there must be a reason for having them. Well I browsed articles and forums and found this. The high wing has less drag and more wing because it doesn’t have the connection points to the fuselage. This means the high wing is more stable and smoother however the lowing also as its advantages. Although it has less wing area it also tends to be lighter and has less drag on the fuselage itself this provides a faster and more fuel-efficient plane but it is also less stable because of the lower wing area. So High Wing or Low Wing that is the question, if you want a nice summer day flight to cruise around the skies and look upon the earth go high wing. If you want to be awesome go really fast and not blow extra money on fuel go lowing. Personally I say go lowing just because they look cooler but it’s up to the pilot to decide if form surpasses functionality

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