Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bridging the gap bridges Art or Architecture

I was looking at bridge the other day and said to myself wow that looks good then I began to wonder whether I was looking at bridge or a work of art. I went to trusty old Google and began the search for the answer and what did I find well the bridge can be both art and architecture. The modern day designs of bridges are pushing the limits of engineering to achieve more artistic quality’s, this is mainly due to the fact that no city wants a boat too come in and have the people on board go man that’s one ugly bridge. The first people to look at the ascetic appeal of a bridge were once again the Romans. They used the arches not only as an effective engineering design but they also used it to make the structures look better. The beautiful designs we see today however come from the fact that we know how to use more than just arches. Suspension, cable stay, pylon, strut, and arch bridges can all be used in different ways to make a bridge not only function but also look good. Some bridges today are even combing the bridge types together so they will look beautiful and still have the strength of both types of bridges, Yet no matter how pretty the architect makes his bridge ultimately it has to work. So this is just a way that functionality can be made ascetically pleasing as well.

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