Wednesday, November 18, 2009


You ever lay your head down at night and wonder why your bed is the way it is? Well I haven’t either but I did wonder where people in past ages laid their heads so it’s kind of the same thing. This blog is about the one thing that I would hope everyone has a bed. The bed was first seen in Egypt although there beds where just a frame with cloth so it was more of a hammock really. Its not clear when the first mattress was invented however the word mattress come from the Arabic word for “to throw”. This is because during the crusades the Europeans adopted the Arabian way of sleeping which was too throw a ton of cushions on the floor and sleep on them. This most likely means that the mattress was invented sometime during the Dark Age. Early mattresses used natural materials like straw or feathers, today’s mattresses however use everything from nylon too foam. As for the design of the bed frame itself, It only makes since too prop the mattress of the ground so the crawling creature don’t end up in bed with you.

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