Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another sharp debate

Another sword design blog here. I always wondered what was better the straight cavalry saber or the curved cavalry saber. I personally believe the curved is better but I decided to research it and find out exactly what the facts were. I found out that both designs have their strengths and weaknesses. First well start with my least favorite, the straight bladed cavalry saber has the advantages of being slightly lighter and also it happens to be smaller however it is a stabbing weapon and stabbing from horseback is unnatural. Also straight blades tend to need a reverse motion to pull it out of the enemy you just stabbed so while moving on horseback it’s either let go of the sword or get pulled of your horse by your sword. As for the Curved blade it is a little larger and takes a little more practice too move around however it doesn’t get stuck in the enemy and is much easier to defend with.

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