Wednesday, November 25, 2009
To a wetter point
To a point
Dream catcher
Mad hatter
Sit left Drive right Avoid dump
Don’t touch that hand
It’s a gun no it’s a bow no it’s a Crossbow
Pummel with your Pummel
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
We’ve one upped E.T
Low wing or High wing
Tuesday the music day
The humble light bulb
Bridging the gap bridges Art or Architecture
A car boat
Modern day options
Another sharp debate
Katana and Claymore debunked
What is that head piece she has?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
You ever lay your head down at night and wonder why your bed is the way it is? Well I haven’t either but I did wonder where people in past ages laid their heads so it’s kind of the same thing. This blog is about the one thing that I would hope everyone has a bed. The bed was first seen in Egypt although there beds where just a frame with cloth so it was more of a hammock really. Its not clear when the first mattress was invented however the word mattress come from the Arabic word for “to throw”. This is because during the crusades the Europeans adopted the Arabian way of sleeping which was too throw a ton of cushions on the floor and sleep on them. This most likely means that the mattress was invented sometime during the Dark Age. Early mattresses used natural materials like straw or feathers, today’s mattresses however use everything from nylon too foam. As for the design of the bed frame itself, It only makes since too prop the mattress of the ground so the crawling creature don’t end up in bed with you.
So I overlooked my dad watching the football game and noticed something odd. The football that I used for back yard no rules pigskin throwing had stripes on it and the ones being used by the professionals didn’t so I decided to head out and looks it up. Originally all footballs had stripes the reason for this was too make it easier to pick out of the air and thus much easier to catch however when they designed the official ball for the NFL they decided to leave the stripes off so it would be more challenging to catch than its striped counterpart. The college leagues however did not remove the stripes from there balls. This is most likely because although some college players might be good they are still not considered professionals so they deemed that the aid of the stripes should be kept. The stripes are also kept on the commercially sold balls that you and I throw to or at each other every day.
Be square Be a TV
Ever notice that all TVs have been square. I found this odd since we can obviously see a more rounded view because of peripheral vision so why do we not make large round TV screens. Well in the past we simply did not have the technology with simple cathode ray tube TVs too make a round all in composing image nor did our cameras pick it up. Another commonly accepted opinion to why TVs are square is because a TV was seen as a large window into another world and as we know most windows are well square. I also found a really good answer that I think makes more since than the other two it also gives a reason why we haven’t changed it yet however it’s too hard for me to put into my own words so here it is. “San Diego Art Nut is pretty correct, but the answer is twofold.
Initially, we have become used to viewing images that reflect the line of the horizon, the horizon being the inbuilt control that our brain constantly refers to when maintaining balance, perspective etc. Paintings and architecture have followed this basic pattern ever since, as the one the brain prefers.
Now, we have the technology to make any shape, but don't. The roundness of the eye is useful only for focusing light; it has no relevance to the brain. The brain makes the eye flick left/right along the horizon, up/down using the horizon as base. Your peripheral vision remains dependent on the horizon as ever, so TV’s and cinema screens remain horizon friendly and probably will until our brains rewire!” (Steve J, yahoo answers)
screen position
This is a fun little thing I wanted to know. Why is it that almost all RPGs have the health and status bar on the left side or bottom of the screen. So I typed in everything I could think of to find a reason why this was true and I found out that there really is no historic reason clearly stated however my theory is that its set on the left and along the bottom for two reasons. One those spots are out of the way and allow the player to see what’s going on in the playing field. Reason number two is that player in most cases is trained too those spots by habit. So its most likely going to stay the same just because of tradition instead of any real reason.