Thursday, December 17, 2009

CD DVD blue ray

The CD or compact disc has been with us since I can remember. Then again I’m only 20 but I wanted to know more about its design and where it came from the CD was not a spinoff of the record at all but actually a spin of the laserdisc. The laser disc was a record size silver disc that was created not to replace the cassette or record but instead to replace the VHS and was used for movies only. The compact disc was then developed from the knowledge learned from the laser disc. Phillips and sonly both designed the CD and thus began a revolution in digital technology. After the CD originally made for music only was created the technology was then used for data storage and thus CD-R , CD-WR, and CD-ROM. Sony was the first to use the disc for games and such the PS1 was the very first system to not use the cassettes as its storage. The CD finally developed into the DVD or Digital Video Disc which we used for movies and finally found the good replacement for the VHS. Once again Sony was the first to use the new format for use in video games. Today the Blue ray disc is the most modern disc based storage medium which beat out Hi-Def DVDs and as usual the Sony Playstation 3 is the only console to currently use the format.

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