Wednesday, October 28, 2009

high temprature

This blog is about Digital candy now I thought Digital candy as like digital eye candy but man digital candy thermometers. In the past the candy makers of the world had to use analog thermometers to take temperature readings and because of their inaccuracy they had to guess whether or not it was the correct temperature. Now the problem might not be the thermometer itself but instead the design of the display on the analog thermometer. Many analog thermometers don’t have every individual degree marked. This less accurate breakdown of the degrees leads to inaccuracy. I personally think the degree breakdown of most thermometers isn’t very effective however there’s a reason that every degree isn’t marked on many analog thermometers. The thermometer itself isn’t sensitive enough to pickup individual degrees so the display is set up to reflect that. This leads us back to square one that there is always guess work while using a analog thermometer and thus digital candy thermometers really do take out the guess work where analogs cannot.

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