Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What you didnt know about that stoplight

So ive been stuck driving for the past 4 years and ive always wondered one thing. Why does red mean stop and green mean go, and why did they not put the green on top instead of at the bottom. Well so i would stop wonderring i looked it up. Traffic lights were derived from the rail singles used in the 1800s and these singles used to have stop at the top and go at the bottom due to the fact that it was accutally a lever. when you pushed the lever up it put up a warning too tell the incoming train too stop. Vice versa if the lever was down no single would show and the train would continue on its marry way. The rail road system singles however only used red so i had too look even more to find the reason for the color choice. The green and red colors used in todays traffic lights are accutally derived from old maratime rules. green (meaning starboard) and red (meaning port). in mairtime rules the ship on the port side always yeiled to a ship that is coming from the starboard side and thus ships on port (red) stop and ships on starboard (green) go. So always remeber red does mean stop unless you want to be crushed by ship... err car next too you.

Railroads O.o

Ever wonder why all railroads happen too be the same no matter where you go. Well i did so i decided to delve deeper and really look at why the railroads are all 1435 mm apart. well i found out its accutallly an international guage thats been used since the first railroads in the 1800s. curiously enough when they went to find a guage too use they turned to the ruts in the old roman roads. Apparently roman wagons where all 1435 mm from one wheel to the other. The use of this gauge is seen by many as an attempt too link the modren railroads with the most powerful empire of the Ancient world. So mabye by making the guage like roman wagons will make the railroads internal, even if they only survive in the hearts of people.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dissdea cast a closer look

Yet another Final Fantasy image. I just really liked the way the poster for dissidia looked like so I decided to throw it in here. The main thing I like about this image is the way the characters are actually positioned in the image. Each hero is facing directly towards his villain from their respective games. I think this gives you a feeling of what the game is going to be by having the heroes and villains face off against each other. However I do not like the fact that they took out the cover symbol from the game. Unless you actually know what the game is you would most likely think that this was just a random collection of Final fantasy heroes and villains put into a picture. Also I think they could change the background by having it fade from dark gray too white in a different direction. Say instead of white on top and dark gray at bottom has the white be on the heroes’ side and the dark gray on the villains’ side. This would help better emphasize that one side is the villains and one side is the heroes for people who might have not played all of the Final Fantasys. I think this image is on the right track but just needs some improvements to push it over the top.

Beauty of DAT swaps

The other day while i was playing FFXI i kept telling my self how much i liked my graphic DAT swap. So i got the idea why not just use it for my journal so here it is.

Why do i enjoy this DAT so much well i think i mixed and matched and added a few personal touches that made here look like a knight without being to evil looking like the original did. A major thing is that by removing the helm i think i was able too make her keep her feminine look i believe that helps make her look like she is on the good side instead of being evil. yet i didn't want too make her look like she wasn't a knight so i kept the heavy plate armor on her body arms and feet but to better keep her feminine appeal i adjusted her leg gear design. So the main reason i like this is because i was able too create a look that's both graceful but at the same time knightly.

image copyright SquareEnix ltd.